Did you know students can reserve school library books from home? they can also view checked out books and see if anything is overdue. Simply click on the Destiny link on the home page and choose Walnut Springs Middle School. The login is the same as if logging into the computers at school. There is also a Destiny App students can download to their favorite device.
On Sunday, September 29th, I will be participating in the Walk to Defeat ALS at Fred Beekman Park. I am part of the "Westerville Crowes for Cindy" team. To learn more about the event and/or to donate to the team, go to: www.tinyurl.com/mx9f49t
Our first 8th-Grade Battle of the Books meeting was Friday, August 30th. Before our next meeting, members will read Legend by Marie Lu, Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix, and Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Additional information can be found under the "Battle of the Books" page.
Before school on Wednesday morning (September 7th), I met with several teachers in the library to preview some useful iPad apps. Teachers are able to find additional information under the "Teacher" page. We'll be meeting again on the morning of October 2nd to discuss Schoology. This week, students interested in running for Student Council prepared their digital speeches (either a presentation, movie, or video). These will be uploaded to Schoology for teachers to show students during seminar. And finally, I found a great link on Barnes & Nobles' website about books being made into movies! It was great to see all of the parents at Curriculum Night! And I appreciate all who came into the library to say hello and listen to my spiel! If you weren't able to make it, I've attached the library handout. Basically, the handout shows the library's current usage and other stats as well as my plan for this year. Don't forget September is Library Card Sign-Up month. Any student who does not have a public library card should really consider obtaining one this month. Students can reserve books online with the Westerville Public Library and request the books be sent to Walnut Springs. Students can also return their WPL library books to the school library. Also, having a library card, enables students to gain access to valuable subscription-based resources for FREE on the library website. These resources can be used for numerous research projects throughout the school year. Applications for a public library card can be found in the school library. ![]()